Responsibilities Of Heads Of State-Run Agencies For Guaranteeing Commendation Principles In Accordance With The Law On Emulation And Commendation

Le Thi Thuy


The heads of state agencies play a signigicant role in guaranteeing commendation principles in order to promptly encourage individual and collective achievements and contributions. Properly awarding right people for their proper achievements requires great responsibility as well as a strong sense of fairness that rest with those heads. Therefore, the article focuses on clarifying the responsibilities that heads of state agencies have for guaranteeing commendation principles under the Law on Emulation and Commendation. Thereby, some solutions are proposed to deal with the subjectivity of emotions, factionalism and lack of democracy caused by those leaders when it comes to commedation.


Heads, Commendation, Commendation principles, Law on Emulation and Commendation.

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National Assembly, Amending and supplementing Law on a number of articles of Law on emulation and commendation No. 39/2013/QH13, dated November 16, 2013.



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