Tourism Village Management In Effort To Improve Independent Villages Through Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Mandailing Natal Regency

Walid Musthafa Sembiring, Miftahul Husna Siregar, Dody Kurniawan


Since the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages, one of the areas that has become the main focus has been the strengthening of village authority in forming village-owned enterprises (BUMDes). Currently, BUMDes has become one of the village facilities in increasing village independence, especially in the economic field. In practice, until now not all villages have been able to run BUMDes in accordance with their objectives for independence and improving the village economy. This article aims to examine BUMDes in the tourism sector through an independent village improvement program in Sirambas Village, Mandailing Natal Regency, Indonesia. The method used in this article uses a qualitative approach by conducting an analysis of Sirambas Village. This research refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration through Permendes Number 21 of 2016 concerning Placement of Priority Development of Village Funds in 2016. The ministerial regulation states that village funds are prioritized to finance the implementation of local -scale programs and activities for village development and village community empowerment. Through BUMDes as an instrument to explore the potential of the village which will later be managed as a BUMDes business unit. Furthermore, this policy aims to carry out village development independently and villagers are able to be equipped with knowledge that can be used to compete with the global market. The results and conclusions obtained in this study are that the existence of BUMDes is very strategic in the management of tourist areas in Sirambas Village, but there are several things that need to be the main concern in the management of BUMDes in the tourist village of Sirambas Village, the first is human resources (HR), facilities and infrastructure. BUMDes infrastructure and control over the management and principles of tourism by both the BUMDes management and the village community as well as strengthening the information technology sector related to tourism


Village, BUMDes, Village Fund

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