Utilization Of Aluminum Slag As A Substitutional Material For Cement In The Production Of Normal Concrete And Cellular Lightweight Concrete

Yogie Risdianto, Muhammad Imaduddin, Krisna Dwi Handayani, Lynda Refnitasari


The current development of construction development causes the need for cement as a binder in the concrete mixture to increase. It is necessary to have alternative materials that are economical and environmentally friendly as a substitute for cement, one of which is aluminum slag. The research was carried out by utilizing aluminum slag as a substitute for cement in a mixture of normal concrete and lightweight cellular concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aluminum slag as a substitute for cement in a mixture of normal concrete and lightweight cellular concrete on the mechanical properties of concrete. This research is a quantitative research by conducting experiments on K-300 quality concrete. The concrete test specimens were varied using 0% aluminum slag; 1.5%; 3%; 4.5%, 6% and 7.5% with cube test objects measuring 15cm x 15cm. The compressive strength test was carried out at the age of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days with 3 specimens at each age, while for the water absorption test at the age of 28 days. The results of the study showed that the maximum compressive strength of aluminum slag was at a level of 1.5%, more than that the compressive strength and volume weight of the concrete would decrease because the air content in the concrete increased in direct proportion to the increase in the aluminum slag content. In the light cellular concrete research results, cement replaced with aluminum slag showed the highest compressive strength in lightweight concrete with a variation of 1.5% with a compressive strength value of 4.3 MPa and a volumetric weight of 669.3 kg/m3 with a variation of 0% for compressive strength 4.2 MPa and a unit weight of 693.3 kg/m3 were obtained for lightweight concrete samples aged 28 days. This can be explained by the large absorption of water in the concrete which is an indication of high porosity, besides that the impact of the increased air content due to aluminum slag causesexpansion on the surface of the concrete.


Normal Concrete, Cellular Lightweight Concrete, Aluminum Slag, Compressive Strength.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v35.2.4771


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