Improving Students' Mathematical Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Through Problem Based Learning (PBL) E-Module Development

Rahma Dina, Ali Asmar, Yerizon Yerizon, Henda Syarifuddin


The current curriculum is the 2013 curriculum. In the cognitive domain of this curriculum, students are required to be able to think actively, by focusing on observing critical and creative thinking skills. Mathematics learning is learning that emphasizes solving problems, so participants must be able to think critically and creatively in the learning process. One of the most difficult math material is comparison. SMP Negeri 4 Padang is a school that has an average PH value in mathematics on comparative material which is relatively low. This is because the teaching materials used in the learning process are less attractive and have not been able to hone students' critical and creative thinking skills. One way to overcome this problem is to make interesting teaching materials in accordance with the times. Interesting teaching materials can be in the form of E-Modules, then to hone critical and creative thinking skills students can apply problem-based learning in the E-module . The type of research used is research and development or research and development (R&D). The development model used in this study is the plomp development model. The results of this study are that the E-module is valid and practical, then the average test results for students' mathematical critical thinking abilities after being tested are 84.8% in the very critical category, while the average test results for students' mathematical creative thinking abilities after being tested is 87.7% with a very creative category. This shows that e-module model problem-based learning can assist students in finding comparative concepts. Therefore it can be said that e-module can be categorized in the effective category


E-Module, Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking

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