The Effect of Workload on Air Traffic Controller Performance at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch

Haksa Ewanda Alvin, Rany Adiliawijaya P, Dedy Fachrudin, Sri Rahayu Surtiningtyas, Nunuk Praptiningsih


This research was conducted at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch, which is located at El Tari Airport Kupang, from February to July 2021. The problem with this research is the difficulty of communicating between ATC and pilots caused by the blind spot making the ATC workload level increase. One of the reasons for the high workload is the high traffic from year to year. This study aims to obtain an overview of the workload level and performance of air traffic controller personnel at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch and find out how much influence the load has on work has on the performance of air traffic controllers at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch. Based on this research, the level of workload in Perum LPPNPI Kupang branch is shown at 70.03%. The workload is said to be high in the work group. Then on the Y variable, the performance level obtained is 52.6%, which is quite a percentage. In the calculation of the workload correlation coefficient of -0.8782, The figure is the interpretation of the correlation coefficient of the results obtained between the relationship between the variable x (workload) and the variable y (performance) is strong. The coefficient of determination (r2) is 77.13%; the remaining 22.87% is influenced by other factors that are not examined.


ATC; Air Traffic Management; Human Factor; Workload

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Copyright (c) 2022 Haksa Ewanda Alvin1, Rany Adiliawijaya P2, Dedy Fachrudin3, Sri Rahayu Surtiningtyas4, Nunuk Praptiningsih5

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