The Bureaucratic Performance In The Services Of Making Electronic Identity Cards In The Office Of Population And Civil Registration Of Poso Regency

Abdul Rahman, Hasbullah Hasbullah, Nawawi Natsir


The objective of this study was to describe and analyze the bureaucratic performance in making Electronic Identity Cards (Indonesian: Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik (e-KTP)) at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Poso Regency. The informants were selected purposively, in which the researchers chose six people to be informants. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The employed techniques of data analysis were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Results indicated that the bureaucratic performance in making Electronic Identity Cards at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Poso Regency is assessed based on five indicators: productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Overall, they have been quite good and maximum as shown by the information that officers recording the data have reached the specified performance target. In terms of dependence, many things still need to be considered and improved by the office head and his employees, especially in setting policies that are not only based on the situation and conditions of the local community but also must be more efficient and effective so that the objective of the policy can be achieved better at the right time.


Bureaucratic Performance, Electronic Identity Card Services

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