The Effectiveness Of Online Learning In Improving Students’ Problem Solving Skill

Endah Hendarwati, Naili Sa'ida


This article discusses how to improve problem-solving skills through online learning. Online learning involves actions and knowledge that make it easier for students to enhance their learning quality. The zoom meeting platform is used in the teaching and learning process which uses a variety of discussion techniques, such as students arguing, asking and answering questions, and completing given the assignments. The results of data analysis using t-test Independent Sample Test obtained the value of Sig.Levene's Test for Equality of Variance of 0.108> 0.05, so the data variant is said to be homogeneous. Meanwhile, the equal variance assumed with a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000 <0.05 so that Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. This means that the two groups, namely the control class and the experimental class, have a significant difference in the post-test scores of problem-solving abilities so that it can be stated that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores for the control and experimental classes, so it can be said that the treatment given to the class with the application of the online learning system through an effective zoom meeting platform to enhance problem-solving capabilities.

Keywords: online learning, problem solving


online learning, problem solving

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