Casino Gambling Addiction And Seizures

Randrianarivo RF, RO Randrianasolo, MH Andriamanjato, A. Raharivelo, BH Rajaonarison


Excessive or pathological gambling is a genuine public health problem. Classified by DSM-IV as impulsive control Disorder, pathological gambling is defined as the inappropriate, persistent and repeated games. It’s considered as a behavioral addiction.

The problem related to the gambling can also cause health disorders. These are generally mental problems (depressive state, anxiety) or cases of co-morbid addictions (excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs). However, somatic disorder such as seizure related to the gambling addicts is unusual. This work aims to report a case of convulsive seizure occurring during gambling at the casino in a pathological player.


Casino, Gambling, Addiction, Seizures.

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