Social Policy-Policy In Insurance Of Unemployment Conditions"

Agim Beqiri


In social level, unemployment has also extremely negative implications: It worsens the standards of living and increases poverty, It deepens the gap between rich and poor, which creates a small percentage of extremely wealthy people who make up the so-called economic elite whereas the middle class is gradually destroyed, It increases inequality between citizens and opens the door to the possibility of discrimination on various grounds, given that poverty affects the creation of disadvantaged groups, in society. Especially expressed is the gender and ethnic (racial) inequality, especially the vulnerable groups that have received permanent resident status in the country (refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, etc.). Women also are the group who in such conditions find jobs very hard, and if they find it they are almost always discriminated in the amount of compensation Unemployment has a negative impact on family life, increases the number of divorces, which disintegrates society at large, ie reducing its social cohesion, Unemployment causes loss of freedom and social exclusion which is followed by social isolation of individuals or groups in society.


Unemployment, inequality, causes, volume, characteristics

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