The Conditions And Principles Of Hadith Criticism

Idri Shaffat


This article aims to clarify the principles of hadi>th criticism in terms of isna>d (chains of transmitters) and matn (the hadith text). As a source of Islamic teachings, the hadi>th must be truly authentic from the Prophet. For that, the hadi>th scholars had established principles and rules to know the authenticity of the hadith. In terms of isna>d, criticism was directed to the hadi>th narrators. They should meet certain conditions of either subjective or objective requirements. Similarly, a hadith is declared authentic when it meets certain conditions regarding the its texts and contents. Hadith scholars have mentioned the conditions and principles that can be used as a benchmark in doing the hadi>th criticism.

The most prominent objects implemented in isnad system concerning with hadith critique is biographical problems and the evaluation to it’s narrators that is the time chronology, biography, evaluation to the quality and capacity of it’s narrators, the ranks of narrators, the aspects of their life which could support to identify their identity, truthfulness, and validity, the evidences of their narrations as well as the commentary of hadith critics, and the method in transmitting and receiving it. The critique from the perspective of matn deals with text and the meaning of its contains indicating that it doesn’t involve in telling lies to the Prophet’s speaking or his doing.


hadith, isnad, matn, principle, criticism, probativeness

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