Analysis Of The Effect Of Promotion, Customer Satisfaction, And Brand Equity On Online Purchasing Decisions

Yogi Supriatna, Hendri Tanjung, Ahmad Juwaini


The purpose of the study: to determine the effect of promotion, customer satisfaction, and brand equity on online purchasing decisions (case study of bosvelt shoe and footwear craftsman ciomas bogor). This study aims to analyze: 1). Analyzing the effect of promotion on the purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear online. 2). Analyzing the effect of customer satisfaction on the purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear online and offline. 3). Analyzing the effect of brand equity on the online purchase of bosvelt shoes and footwear. The research time was carried out for approximately 3 months. Data collection techniques: using a questionnaire given to respondents (customers of shoes and footwear) online and offline as many as 100 people. Data processing methods: used are validity, reliability, classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, t test and F test. Calculation using SPSS vers 18 computer program. The results show that the relationship between variables X1 (Promotion), X2 (customer satisfaction) and X3 (brand equity) together with Y (purchase decision) is very strong and positive. The regression equation is Y = -1.526 + 0.427 X1 + 0.188X2 +0.243X3 or (91.6%). It means that the contribution of promotion, customer satisfaction and brand equity together on purchasing decisions is 91.6%, while the remaining 8.4% is influenced by other factors not included in this study. Because F count = 350.281 > F table = 3.09 , then Ha is accepted rejected (Ho is rejected), meaning that there is a significant influence between promotion, customer satisfaction and brand equity on purchasing decisions


Promotion, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Equity, and Purchase Decision

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