Systematic Literature Review Of Workload Calculation Using NASA-TLX

Sri Rahayu Surtiningtyas, Dian Anggraini Purwaningtyas, Rany Adiliawijaya Putriekapuja


The systematic literature review on Air Traffic Controller workload is a quantitative analysis using data from several primary studies stored by the Indonesian Aviation Polytechnic Library. The data taken is the calculation of the ATC workload in Indonesia using the NASATLX instrument during the 2018-2020 period. Respondents work as ATC in Jakarta, Makassar, Denpasar, Pekanbaru, and Pontianak airports.

The systematic literature review was carried out in February-September 2021 at the Indonesian Aviation Polytechnic using a meta-analysis study. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines two or more similar studies to obtain a quantitative blend of data. Viewed from the process, the meta-analysis is a retrospective observational study, which means that the researcher recapitulates the data without performing experimental manipulation.

The purpose of this study is to determine the workload of ATCO in Indonesia before the COVID-19 pandemic so that it can be used as consideration for decision-makers or as study material for other researchers. This study finds that the Mental Demand and Effort values have the greatest values for different variables at each airport.


Workload, NASA-TLX, Systematic Literature Review, Meta-analysis Study, Air Traffic Control

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