The Effect Of Human Resources Development And Motivation On Increasing Performance Of Widyaiswara At The Guarantee Development Center Quality Of Vocational Education Field Building And Electricity (BBPPMPV BBL) Medan

Demri Sirait


There are many factors that affect the performance of widyaiswara (Civil Servant (PNS) who is appointed as a functional official by an authorized official with the duties, responsibilities, authority to educate, teach, and/or train Civil Servants (PNS) in government education and training institutions) including human resource development and motivation. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of human resource development and motivation partially on the performance of widyaiswara at BBPMPPV BBL Medan. The population of this study found 50 widyaiswara BBPMPPV BBL Medan. Data collection techniques in this study are questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies. While the data analysis techniques used are classical assumption test, multiple regression, T- test, F- test and coefficient of determination. The results showed that the HR development variable had a significant effect on the performance of widyaiswara at BBPMPPV BBL Medan. The better the development of human resources, the performance of the widyaiswara will also be higher. The motivation variable has a significant effect on the performance of widyaiswara at BBPMPPV BBL Medan. The better the motivation, the higher the widyaiswara's performance. There is a significant influence of the variables of human resource development and motivation simultaneously on the performance of widyaiswara at BBPMPPV BBL Medan. The coefficient of determination with a value of 85.50% widyaiswara variation can be explained by the variables of human resource development and motivation simultaneously, while the remaining 14.50% is explained by other factors, such as variables of work ability and work discipline.


Human Resources Development, Motivation, Performance

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