Character Education Through The Culinary Tradition Of “Marandang Daun Kayu” Minangkabau

Wirda Nengsih, Tri Nurza Rahmawati


This article focuses on the culinary tradition of "Marandang daun kayu" at gatherings and family events, the community as a cultural treasure of the regional nation which is still maintained by the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra. Culinary traditions contain values and meanings which are local wisdom of the Minangkabau “marandang daun kayu” community in West Sumatra. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior. The results of this study reveal that this local culinary wisdom can be a source of learning in elementary and secondary schools and character education media. Local wisdom builds a national identity and filters the entry of foreign cultures into Indonesia. To be able to carry out learning that is based on the value of local wisdom from the community for students, of course it is necessary to understand the meaning behind these local wisdom values, in this case the marandang tradition in a series of family, community and government events, a more participatory approach to students is needed. The existence of an understanding of the value of local wisdom of the bapantun tradition provides the foundation for the sustainability of the order of life in the future.


Culinary Tradition, Marandang Daun Kayu, Local Wisdom, Learning Resources

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