Social Economic Characteristics Of Farmer Land Sustainable Agriculture Southern Pringsewu Regency

Ahmad Willy Kurnia, Dedy Miswar, Yarmaidi Yarmaidi, Annisa Salsabilla, Fauziah Aryati


The purpose of this study was to determine the socio economic characteristics of farmers land sustainable agriculture in Pringsewu Regency in the southern part. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The population in this study were 493 farmers land sustainable agriculture in Pringsewu Regency in the southern part. The sample in this study amounted to 74. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis technique uses a percentage table as the basis for interpretation and description of the data in making research reports. The results showed the characteristics of the socio-economic conditions of farmers land sustainable agriculture in Pringsewu Regency in the Southern Part (1). A total of 69 with a percentage of 93.2% have a classification of basic education levels, namely (SD and SMP) and 43 elementary school farmers with a percentage of 58.1% and 26 farmers with a percentage of 35.1% (2). A total of 34 farmers with a percentage of 46% have a low income classification. (3) as many as 64 farmers with a percentage of 86.5% have their own house classification. (4) as many as 67 farmers with a percentage of 90.5% occupying houses classified as permanent houses. (5) as many as 60 farmers with a percentage of 87.83% have ownership of valuable goods with a low class classification.


economy, social characteristics, sustainable agriculture

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad Willy Kurnia, Dedy Miswar, Yarmaidi Yarmaidi, Annisa Salsabilla, Fauziah Aryati

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