Analysis of Rice Farmers Earnings in District Labuhan Batu

Ade Firmansyah Tanjung, Iskandarini ., Dan Satia Negara Lubis


Farmers have not been able to reach a value corresponding revenue minimum wage standards. The purpose of this study was to calculate the amount of income rice farmer in the research area. Based on the results and discussion of the study, the magnitude of total production costs for Rp.5.135.584/growing season, average receipts amounted Rp.11.743.596/growing season, with the selling price Rp.4.000/kg and the average amount of the total income of each farmer of rice in the location of research is the average Rp.6.607.911/growing season with a production of 2,936kg. Farmers' income value is calculated from the results of the location study enrollment and the cost of production in one growing season. When the farmer's net income amounted to only Rp.6.607.911/growing season, how to meet the needs of family life, even to achieve prosperity for the farmers themselves would be very difficult to achieve. Total income of farmers depends on the price of grain and the amount of their agricultural production. If the cost of production. higher than production output is generated, it will cause a loss in income of the farmers themselves.


Rice Farmers, Farmers Revenue Analysis, Revenue and Cost Production.

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