The Problem of Tagline and City Branding Formulation in Purbalingga Regencies: Bureaucracy Groupthink Domination and the Cohesiveness Illusion of Stakeholders

Estining Pamungkas, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nugraheni, Andre Novi Rahmanto



The purpose of this study is to describe the reality of the process of tagline formulating and city branding of Purbalingga district from the perspective of groupthink theory. This is so interesting because the new tagline of Purbalingga district (called sehati) is '' one way '' bumped into the  pro and contra. Especially when the tagline will also be projected as city branding.                                         This research is a qualitative study with interpretive approach. Primary data are extracted from the text or discourse on the intended issue that occurs in the community, especially those expressed through social media. Secondary data were obtained from relevant literature and prior research . The data were analyzed with the groupthink theory by Irving L Janis, with emphasis on the assumptions of structural dominance and the illusion of stakeholder cohesiveness.                                  The results showed that the formulation of the new tagline acronym '' sehati '' prove that the group communication activity receiving pressure from bureaucratic domination. There is a part of stakeholders  showed groupthink theory, so the criticism mentality or just a comparison opinion from other stakeholder members is not accommodated. This group deliberately illustrates how the stakeholders are really up to it. This maximum cohesiveness illusion negates the possibility of other ideas and creativity.


Tagline; City Branding; Domination; Bureaucracy; Groupthink.

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