Vegetation Analysis and Population Structure of Plants at Forest Area, Solok Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Mutia Muharani, Chairul Mahmud, Nurainas Nurainas


Solok Regency is a highland area in West Sumatra with a topography that varies between plains, valleys and mountains. The aim of this study was to determine the vegetation structure that affects the population of Bilongkiang (Zingiber sp.). This study used the quadratic method and determined the research location by purposive sampling with plot size determined based on the vegetation strata, namely: understorey and seedling (2x2 m2, poles (5x5 m2, and trees (10x10 m2). Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data analysis by calculating: Density (Kr), Frequency (Fr), Dominance (Dr), Importance Value Index (INP) and Diversity Index (H'). The results of the study found as many as 33 families consisting of 53 species with a total number of 79 individuals spread over two research locations which were divided into understorey plants/seedlings, poles and trees. The highest Important Value Index (INP) in Nagari Surian was found in the pole strata, which was 180.30% and in Nagari Talang Babungo, the INP was also found in the pole strata, which was 91.85%. This value is included in the high category. The diversity index (H') of plants in the study area is H' = 2.12, which means that the diversity of species in the study area is moderate.


bilongkiang, environment, population structure, solok, vegetation analysis

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