Effectiveness of Using SQ4R Learning Method on Improving Student Learning Outcomes on Studies of Basic Maternity Needs in Sentral Academy of Midwifery Padangsidimpuan in 2016

Eliya Wardayani, S.ST M.Kes


The aims of this research are to know the effectiveness of the use of learning methods SQ4R in subject study that are cognitive in improving student learning outcomes in Sentral Academy of Midwifery Padangsidimpuan especially on subject study of basic maternity needs. This research is a pre test post test with control group. The population in this study are all students of general pathway of midwifery study program, the research sample is the second semester students at Sentral Academy of Midwifery Padangsidimpuan. Data were analyzed by using SPSS program with t-test and presented in tabular form. The research shows the average of student's post-test result with SQ4R learning method is 60.53 while the post-test result in the control group is 45.06. Increased student learning outcomes by using learning methods SQ4R of 309.41% and without using SQ4R 217.91% with the effectiveness of 48.12%. The result of t-test showed that the comparison of post-test result and the improvement of learning result showed a significant improvement by using SQ4R learning method (p <0.05).


effectiveness, learning methods, SQ4R, learning outcomes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v8.2.445


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