Stop Sextortion: Child Sexual Violence Prevention Program
This paper aims to (1) Outlines new ideas to improve the prevention of sexual violence against children. (2) Describe the steps of the new idea program. (3) Describe the roles of the parties involved in assisting this program. The approach used in this paper is descriptive qualitative based on literature review and observation. Primary data includes observational data. Secondary data includes: (1) books relevant to the topic of writing, (2) scientific papers, (3) articles from the internet, and (4) research results. The data collection is secondary data in the form of relevant theories were obtained by the literature review method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The preparation of this paper has gone through systematic steps, so that the results of a complete and structured study are obtained. The steps taken in writing this paper are: (1) finding and formulating problems, (2) finding and selecting relevant literature sources, (3) analyzing data to answer problems, (4) formulating alternatives solving problems, (5) drawing conclusions and recommending suggestions, and (6) compiling written papers. Stop Sextortion: Child Sexual Violence Prevention Program. Through this program, it is hoped that all parties from school principals, teachers, parents, KPAI, and the community can work together to prevent sexual violence that occurs in elementary school children. Sexual violence against children is one of the problems that have an impact on mental, physical and psychological conditions such as depression, fear, shame which can lead to suicide for the victim
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