Efforts to Improve Environmental Care Attitudes in Elementary School Students

Fadhilah Rimma Bestari, Fadhilah Estining Tyas, Ghina Fadillah Putri, Dyan Permata Ratri, Isnania Shofi Luthfiani, Michelia Champaca Qoumiah


This article aims tooutlines the idea of the Environmental Care program, describes the prediction of the success of the Environmental Care program, and describes the parties that can help in the Environmental Care program. The approach used in this paper is descriptive qualitative based on literature review and observation. Primary data includes observational data. Secondary data includes: (1) books relevant to the topic of writing, (2) scientific papers, (3) articles from the internet, and (4) research results. The data collection is secondary data in the form of relevant theories were obtained by the literature review method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The preparation of this paper has gone through systematic steps, so that the results of a complete and structured study are obtained. The steps taken in writing this paper are: (1) finding and formulating problems, (2) finding and selecting relevant literature sources, (3) analyzing data to answer problems, (4) formulating alternatives solving problems, (5) drawing conclusions and recommending suggestions, and (6) compiling written papers. In applying the Environmental Care program, several stages are needed, namely providing an understanding of waste, categorizing waste and problems in waste, making observations, making garbage sorting games, decorating trash cans that have been categorized and finally observing student behavior in disposing of garbage. and (6) compiling written papers. In applying the Environmental Care program, several stages are needed, namely providing an understanding of waste, categorizing waste and problems in waste, making observations, making garbage sorting games, decorating trash cans that have been categorized and finally observing student behavior in disposing of garbage. and (6) compiling written papers. In applying the Environmental Care program, several stages are needed, namely providing an understanding of waste, categorizing waste and problems in waste, making observations, making garbage sorting games, decorating trash cans that have been categorized and finally observing student behavior in disposing of garbage


environment, garbage, students, elementary school, caring attitude

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v33.2.4434


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