Determinant Variable of Net income of Two Cobs Hybrid Corn Farm: Panel Data Analysis of Three Districts in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Muhammad Basir Paly



This study aimed to analyze the net income variables of 2 cobs hybrid corn farm using panel data. The study was implemented in three districts of corn production center of 2 cobs hybrids corn in South Sulawesi. Using survey method on 75 farm samples with three period of times (2015-2017). Observations were made on each sample with two cropping indexes, so that the total observation data was 450. There were 19 variables observed; total area of farming (X1); soil processing (X2), productivity (X3), seed price (X6), fertilizer price (X7), pesticide price (X8), labor cost (X9), cost of living (X10), post-harvest cost (X11), irrigation cost (X12), equipment and machine maintenance cost (X13) and depreciation cost (X14). The data were analyzed by harvest data regression using Eviews 7. The analysis showed the determinant (R2) 0.563. That was, 56.30% net income was determined by 14 variables, while the remaining 43.70% was determined by other variables not included in the model. Out of the 14 variables, there were 9 significant variables (p <0.05) and can be categorized as determinant variable. That was; X1, X3, X4, X5, X9, X10, X11, X12 and X14. While 5 not-significant variables (p> 0.05) were categorized as not-determinant; the X2, X6, X7, X8, and X13.  These 5 variables directly affect the productivity, not the net income. Without ignoring the 5 not-determinant variables, it is suggested that farmers should prioritize the 9 determinant variables in the increase of net income 2 cobs hybrid corn farm.

Key word: deciding variablet, longitudinal data, net earning, hybrid maize, two cobs


Key word: deciding variablet, longitudinal data, net earning, hybrid maize, two cobs

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