Students' Communicat on Science on Profiles on ESD (Education Sustainable Development)

Hadi Purwanto Purwanto, Ilham Hudi, Wismanto Wismanto, R. Ferina Intan Lusia, Ade Apriani


Humans found four skills in the twenty-first century, one of which is communication abilities.  The purpose of this study is to gather data and analyze student communication profiles related to science communication abilities in the context of ESD (Education Sustainable Development). ESD is a critical component of education that students must understand. It is vital to be able to speak with ESD in order to comprehend ESD (Education Sustainable Development). Students with strong science communication abilities are able to argue and represent data using the ESD idea (Education Sustainable Development). a qualitative technique is used in this research. The participants in this study are students from Muhamadiyah University's FKIP IPA Study Program in Riau. This study will be evaluated using indicators of students' SCIENCE communication skills related to ESD (Education Sustainable Development), such as: 1) the ability to create graphs/tables related to ESD; 2) the ability to describe tables/pictures/diagrams in the form of verbal information related to ESD; 3) the ability to interpret related to ESD; and 4) the ability to draw conclusions related to ESD. The results of the scientific communication skills exam were studied descriptively and classified into three categories: 1) able to answer entirely and with logical explanations; 2) able to answer partially (without a logical explanation); and 3) no answer and no logical explanation. The findings revealed that science communication skills remained in the bad group, with science communication skills in each metric falling below 53%.


Communication Profiles, ESD

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