Validity of Microbiology Practice Guidance Based Scientific Approach for Students of STKIP South Nias

Yohanna Theresia Venty Fau, Lufri .


Government’s efforts to improve education qualities are implemented through curriculum, media and facilities. One of media used for improving education quality is practice guidance. The purposes of the research were to develop guidance of microbiology practice based scientific approach for STKIP students of South Nias and to know its validity criteria. It was a research and development using Plomp development model. The instrument used was practice guidance validation sheet. This validation sheet used questionnaire in form of questions list given to some experts. The analysis ratings consisted on didactic, construct, and technical requirements. Technique of data analysis used was validity analysis by using practice guidance validity data. The validity of microbiology practice guidance based scientific approach was obtained from validation results from three experts by using validation sheet. The result of the research showed that the score of didactic requirement was 88.89% with “very valid” criterion; the score of construct requirement was 90% with “very valid” criterion; the score of technical requirement was 84.72% with “very valid” criterion; and the average score of these requirements was 87.87% with “very valid” criterion. The microbiology practice guidance based scientific approach was successfully developed with very valid criterion and expected to be able to guide implementation of practice activities so that students learning competences in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains can improve.


validity, practice guidance, scientific approach

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