Optimization of the Reactive Energy Compensation of the Guinea Brewerie Company Plant (SOBRAGUI)
In order to reduce power losses due to the transit of strong reactive currents and improve the voltage profile of distribution lines, the use of shunt capacitor banks is indicated. The main results obtained during this study are: a reduction in the subscribed power from 3815.858 kVA to 3349.392 kVA, an increase in the active power transported by the transformer station from 2557.6 kW to 2792.782 kW; a decrease in voltage drop from 3.80% to 1.88%; an increase in the power available at the secondary of the transformer station at full load from 2580 kW to 2820 kW and an annual electrical energy saving of 88580.343 kWh. It is therefore essential that manufacturers be convinced of the need to install capacitors to reduce or even eliminate their reactive energy bill. This is necessarily accompanied by an investment by Electricity of Guinea by setting up active and reactive energy meters in the industrial environment but also by implementing pricing in the direction of reducing the transfer of reactive energy into the network.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v32.2.4301
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jean Ouèrè TOUPOUVOGUI, Ansoumane SAKOUVOGUI, Mohamed Ansoumane CAMARA, Mamby KEITA

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