Development of Mathematics E-Module Based on Guided Discovery Learning for Class XI MIA High School Students

Annisa Sarah, Ali Asmar, Suherman Suherman, Hendra Syarifuddin


The existence of educators and teaching materials greatly affects the level of success of a learning activity which can be seen from the achievement of student learning outcomes. The application of the learning model also greatly affects the usefulness of teaching materials. Based on the conditions in the field at several SMAN Padang city showed that (1) the teaching materials available in specialization mathematics learning had  not optimally guided students independently in finding concepts that were in accordance with the demands of the 2013 curriculum, namely the scientific approach, (2) teaching materials for learning online had not been compiled in its entirety, (3) students' mathematical learning outcomes in specialization mathematics were still low. The goal of this study was to produce an e-module of mathematics based on guided discovery learning (GDL) in  specialization mathematics learning which was valid, practical and effective material.  The Ploomp development model that consist of the preliminary analysis, the development or prototyping, and the assessment phase was used in this research. The research subjects were students of class XI MIA at SMAN 1 Padang. The validity test of the e-module mathematics based on GDL which was developed through the self-evaluation stage and the assessment stage of the experts including mathematicians, language expert and educational technology expert from UNP lecturers. Practicality tests were conducted on students and educators of class XI MIA at SMAN 1 Padang as users of e-modules. Effectiveness tests were conducted on students after using e-modules. The results showed (1) the validity test of the e-module received an assessment of 3.826 with a very valid category, (2) the practicality test of the e-module by students at the small group stage obtained an assessment of 87.69 with a very practical category, the practicality test of the e-module by participants the field test stage was 90.14 with a very practical category and the e-module practicality test by educators obtained an assessment of 89.145 with a very practical category, (3) the effectiveness test of the student learning outcomes test in the field test stage gained 81.25 with an effective category . Thus, it can be concluded that the developed  mathematics e-module based on GDL obtained results with valid, practical and effective categories to improve learning outcomes.


E-modul, guided discovery learning, Plomp development model

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