Principal's Leadership During the Pandemic (New Normal) In Improving the Quality of Education in State Junior High Schools (SMP) 6 Sawahlunto

Yeni Agustin, Vini Wela Septiana, Venny Rosalina, Rusdinal Rusdinal, Nurhizrah Gistituati


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership of the principal in improving the quality of education, the quality of education that has been achieved at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City both in the academic and non-academic fields as well as the obstacles faced in improving the quality of education and the supporting and inhibiting factors in achieving the quality of education at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City during the covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research using data collection instruments in the form of interviews, observation methods and documentation methods. Based on data on the performance assessment of the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto during the covid-19 period, which was carried out by school supervisors, teachers and staff, students and parents/committee it can be seen that the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto already has a good performance with a score of 86.38. It's just that there is a need for improvement in the development and management of students who only got a score of 58.33 (low predicate) in the school management component. While the components of the learning process need to be improved on the components of literacy and writing culture which only get a score of 50.00 (low predicate).


Principal leadership

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