The Role of School Counselors in Educational Development Through Counseling Guidance Services in Schools

Yeni Agustin, Venny Rosalina, Mega Iswari


Abstract - Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the Indonesian National Education System Article 1 Point 6 emphasizes that counselors are educators, as are teachers, lecturers, tutors, widiyaiswara, tutors, instructors, and facilitators. Because counselors are educators, counseling is education. Counseling services are educational services. Education counselors are counselors who are tasked and responsible for providing guidance and counseling services to students in the education unit. Education counselors are one of the professions included in the education staff as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System as well as the Law on Teachers and Lecturers. Guidance and counseling is an assistance service for students, both individually and in groups so that they are independent and can develop optimally. Based on article 27 of government regulation number 29/90, guidance is assistance given to students in an effort to find themselves, get to know the environment, and plan for the future.


Guidance and counseling

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