Modélisation De La Croissance Du Pachypodium Brévicaule Sur Sol Quartzitique De Mont Ibity

Miary Maherisoa Andriamandroso, Julien A. RAJOMALAHY, Achille O. RAVONINJATOVO, Lala ANDRIANAIVO


This study is focused on a sampling of Pachypodium brevicaule on quartzitic soil on Mount Ibity in the central part of Madagascar. In this article, a mathematical model of the growth of the plant is presented, based on climatic parameters and interfaces have been created on the Matlab program to display the results. According to our model, the factors influencing the development of plant growth are multiple. Generally, spring is conducive to diameter growth; the rainy season is favorable for height growth; the month of September corresponds to the maximum number of leaves observed. The mathematical model used agrees with our observations from the analyzed sample concerning the evolution of its growth. The study of the growth of Pachypodium brevicaule linked to the soil provides avenues for optimizing production crops in the sector.


quartzitic soil, pachypodium brévicaule, climatic parameters, modeling, Ibity

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