Factors Which Promote A Safe Environment On Students With Specific Learning Difficulties



School is a challenge for every student in general education and students with SpLds may find difficulties right at the beginning, not knowing how to figure out the load of assignments they get every day in school while they are required to think from multiple perspectives and clearly present their thoughts and arguments. 

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence SpLds students’ academic performance.  In order to contribute to this research, a study on each factor was conducted to be used as valuable data to bring to the conclusion.

The paper has found that besides capacity, time, health condition, mental factors, age, learning environment, and learning by doing, the most important factor in contributing to students’ achievements are the teachers.

Therefore choosing effective teachers is critically important for every school that is trying to improve its performance.



Keywords: Specific learning difficulties (SpLDs), factors, performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v32.1.4212


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