Impact of the Sustainable Food House Area Program on Household Food Security in Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang

Tartila Fitri, Iid Mufaidah, Lilya Cahya Ovita, Nuhfil Hanani, Hery Toiba


The program for accelerating food consumption diversification is one of the government's programs to achieve food security in terms of availability. One of the programs already running is the Sustainable Food House Area (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari-KRPL) program. The objectives of the KRPL program are to meet the nutritional and food needs of families, reduce household expenses, increase family income, and improve welfare. The objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the impact of the Sustainable Food House Area program on household food security. The research location is in Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City, East Java Province. The selection of research locations was carried out purposively. The analytical method used is the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) analysis using STATA, to see the impact of the KRPL program on household food security. Based on the results of research on the impact of the sustainable food housing area program on household food security in Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City, it shows that the KRPL program has a positive impact on the level of energy consumption and protein consumption level, namely the level of energy and protein consumption of households in the KRPL program is higher. respectively 331.6 kcal/capita/day and 19.7 gram/capita/day compared to households not under the KRPL program The KRPL program also has a positive impact on the diversity of food consumption patterns of households under the KRPL program as indicated by a higher PPH score of 0.5 compared to households ladder is not a KRPL program.


Food Security; Policy; Program; KRPL; Propensity Score Matching; Sustainable Food House Area

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