Improving the Activeness and Geography Learning Achievement through the Application of Problem-Based Learning of the Student of SMAN 1 Kalibawang Kabupaten Kulon Progo.



This research aimed at knowing how much improvement of the activeness and learning achievement of class XA of SMAN 1 Kalibawang through the integration of scientific approach and Problem Based Learning.

The research is a classroom action research. The subject of this research was 24 students of class XA of SMAN 1 Kalibawang. This research focus on the improvement the students’activeneswsw and planning and learning achievement. The research design uses 3 steps: planning, implementation of action and observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques chekklist observation. Data analysis techniques used are: quantitative deskriptive.

The results showed that the implementation of Problem-Based Learning in learning can improve the activity and learning outcomes of students from the stages of each cycle. This can be seen from the following indicators of success: student learning activity showed an increase of 41.25%, from 43.75% in pre action, to 65.21% in cycle 1, to 74.58% in cycle 2 and to 85% in cycle 3; the test results showed an increase in the number of students whose value fulfilled the Minimum Learning Completeness (KBM), from only 3 students in the pre-action, to 11 students in cycle 1, to 19 students in cycle 2, to 22 students in cycle 3. The use of the Problem Based Learning improved the student’ activenees and their learning achievement.



Problem-Based Learning, activeness, learning achievement

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