The Effect Of Supervision And Compensation On Mediated Work Achievement By Employee Discipline At Hall Great Development Guarantee Quality Of Vocational Education Field Building And Electricity

Wiono Wiono, Hazmanan Khair, Fajar Pasaribu


This type of research is quantitative associative.The sample used in this study was a saturated sample, meaning that the entire population of 35 people was used as a sample. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation, questionnaires, and interviews. This study uses partial regression analysis (Partial Least Square/PLS) to test the seven hypotheses proposed in this study. Each hypothesis will be analyzed using Smart PLS 2.0 software to test the relationship between variables. The results of testing the first hypothesis show that the supervision variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of testing the second hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of testing the third hypothesis show that the supervision variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect.


Supervision, Compensation, Work Performance, Work Discipline.

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