Interest And Talent Tests In Improving Student's Learning Achievement At Prayatna High School Medan City

Mulia Siregar, Indra Muda, Rezky Aulia, Waridah Pulungan


Interest is an interest in something that you like, while talent is a form of basic ability to learn something faster with better quality than other people who do not have talent for it. Humans are unique, never found in humans who have exactly the same interests and talents. The problems in this research are whether the students' interest and aptitude tests are conducted before the division of majors, what are the difficulties faced by the school in conducting student interest and aptitude tests. To obtain the data used descriptive qualitative research methods, interview research techniques, observation and documentation, the process of data analysis through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results that, To determine the field of study or majors followed by students, there is no interest and aptitude test. So the determination of majors is only based on the choices submitted by the students or the parents of the students concerned, so that further student development in accordance with the majors they choose, there is no direction based on their interests and talents. To administer student interest and aptitude tests, costs are needed, namely by bringing in psychological personnel from other institutions. The cost required for this per student is around Rp. 50,000/student. If these costs are borne by the parents of students, they are not willing so that it cannot be carried out until this research is completed. In the absence of these interest and aptitude tests, it is not known whether the monitoring of the field of study chosen by students is appropriate based on their interests and talents. In conclusion, the student's interest and aptitude test has never been conducted to determine the chosen field of study for students, the additional cost for conducting interest and aptitude tests for students, is an obstacle factor for conducting student interest and aptitude tests. Suggestions, to direct students' interests and talents to be carried out since they are in Class X so that they do not choose the wrong major or study program, the parents of students and the school need to work together to discuss additional costs related to the implementation of the student's interest and talent test. the additional cost to carry out interest and aptitude tests to students, is a constraining factor for conducting student interest and aptitude tests. Suggestions, to direct students' interests and talents to be carried out since they are in Class X so that they do not choose the wrong major or study program, the parents of students and the school need to work together to discuss additional costs related to the implementation of the student's interest and talent test. the additional cost to carry out interest and aptitude tests to students, is a constraining factor for conducting student interest and aptitude tests. Suggestions, to direct students' interests and talents to be carried out since they are in Class X so that they do not choose the wrong major or study program, the parents of students and the school need to work together to discuss additional costs related to the implementation of the student's interest and talent test.


Interest and Talent Test, Student Learning Achievement

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