Students' Epistemological Obstacles on Geometric-algebraic Relations of Transformation Geometry

Laila Fitriana, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Sani Sahara


Learning obstacles are naturally experienced by students, including the topic of transformation geometry. This study aims to describe the epistemological obstacles experienced by students on geometric-algebraic relations of transformation geometry. A qualitative approach is used with a case study as a research model. The subjects were 9 students of 11th grade obtained through snowball sampling. The data were collected through paper tests and think aloud method then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that there are epistemological obstacles found in students' understanding of the geometric-algebraic relations of transformation geometry. Students know the geometric meaning of a transformation process they have done, indicated by the absence of errors that occur in the tests they take or in their articulation of thinking through think aloud. However, there are some limitations of knowledge experienced by students including the limited basic knowledge about matrix algebra operations, limitations in realizing the geometric-algebraic connections of the cases they encounter, and do not know the matrix of transformation that should be used. These limitations then become the epistemological obstacles for students in understanding and problem solving the transformation problem in the form of algebraic (analytically). These epistemological obstacles cause students to be unable to understand the algebraic meaning of transformation geometry. Thus, geometric-algebraic relationships are not formed completely and result in hindering students in understanding transformation geometry.


learning obstacle, epistemology, transformation geometry

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