Development of Contextual-Based Mathematical Problem Solving Modules to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Skills for Class VII Junior High School on Integer and Fraction Operations Material

Riko Firdaus, Dony Permana, Ali Asmar, Yerizon Yerizon


This study aims to produce valid and practical contextual-based mathematics learning tools to improve mathematical problem solving skills of seventh grade students of Junior High School. The development of this learning device uses the development of the Plomp model which consists of three phases, namely the initial investigation phase, the prototype development phase, and the assessment phase. In the first investigation phase, data collection is carried out which aims as a reference in designing learning tools. The prototype development phase aims to develop learning tools to produce valid and practical learning tools through formative evaluation stages, namely self-evaluation, one-on-one evaluation and small group evaluation. The test subjects in this study were seventh grade students and mathematics teachers at Al Ishlah Islamic Junior High School Bukittinggi in the 2021/2022 academic year. The instruments used during the study were observation sheets, interview guidelines, questionnaires and learning device validation sheets. The instruments used in data collection were first validated by the validator. The results of the analysis of the data from the RPP validation sheet and the mathematics module showed that the contextual-based mathematical tools developed were valid in terms of content and constructs. The contextual-based learning tools developed have been practical in terms of implementation and ease of use. This is based on the results of data analysis of observations on the implementation of learning, interviews with students and student response questionnaires


mathematical problem solving ability; CTL approach; contextual-based mathematical problem solving modules

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Copyright (c) 2022 yerizon yerizon, Riko Firdaus, Dony Permana, Ali Asmar

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