Relationship Between Knowledge Level With Motivation To Visit Mothers To Posyandu Pertiwi Sungai Ambawang District

Lidia Hastuti, Listya Rini Pratiwi, Hidayah Hidayah, Tutur Kardiatun, Indri Erwhani, Yenny Lukita, Annisa Rahmawati


Background: Posyandu is an integrated service to provide convenience and benefits for the community to maintain and improve the health status of mothers and children through improving the ability of cadres, management, and functions of posyandu. The results of previous studies reported a lack of motivation and activity of mothers in posyandu activities, which had an impact on the health condition of toddlers. Purpose: This study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge with the motivation to visit the mother under five to the Posyandu Pertiwi, Central Java Village, Sungai Ambawang District.Research Method: Quantitative research with cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were mothers who had children under five at Posyandu Pertiwi, Central Java Village, with a total of 357 people, with a sample size of 78 respondents, using a consecutive sampling technique.Results: Data analysis using the chi-square test, the results show that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers under five with motivation to visit during the pandemic period at the Posyandu with = 0.000 (ρ <0.05).



knowledge level, mother's motivation, toddler posyandu

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