The Dynamics Of The Bangladesh Economy: Privatization Policy, Entrepreneurship, And Economic Growth

Suvra Jahan Kazi Ismat


Since its independence in 1971, Bangladesh has had two economic trends: one with and one without the inclusive institution. Bangladesh's economic course has progressed through a period of nationalization with restricted property rights and a liberal economy with an inclusive institution. The study's goal is to see whether privatization has an impact on economic growth via entrepreneurship, as well as to determine the effects of these two policy shocks. Using yearly time series data from 1960 to 2017, the current research offered both trend analysis and econometric modeling. Private property rights, according to the findings, stimulate private entrepreneurial activity by increasing GDP per capita, capital creation, and capital goods imports. Privatization eventually adds to Bangladesh's economic progress. From the viewpoint of Bangladesh, the study's results are novel in comparison to the existing body of research on the economic effects of privatization, and hence the study's conclusions are likely to be useful to policymakers.



economic development, Privatization policy, entrepreneurship, and Bangladeshi Economy

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