Insights on the Mangupa Tradition in Anthropology Studies In the Angkola Community

Akhiril Pane


The purpose of this study was to examine the insight of the mangupa tradition in anthropolinguistic studies in the Angkola community. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. Furthermore, collecting data to be inventoried, selected, grouped, analyzed, interpreted and then concluded. This data collection was done by conducting structured interviews in a structured list of questions, and structured observations. The data analysis technique was carried out with the steps of transcription of research data, after the recorded data was transcribed into text form, the research data was then translated into Indonesian. Then the data in this study are classified based on the needs of analysis and research work steps. The results of this study found that the Angkola traditional mangupa tradition is a traditional ceremony believed by the Angkola community by asking for blessings from Allah SWT to avoid danger, success in education, get a position, win, go to or return from the holy land of Mecca (according to the belief of the followers of Mecca). Islam). Sentences of advice were delivered in turns by Suhut Sapanggadongan, traditional leaders of Dalihan Natolu (Suhut and Kahanggi, Anak Boru, and Mora), Hatobangon, Harajaon, alim ulama, ending by Raja Panusunan Bulung as a conclusion by reading the Pangupa material called the Simumbaga Book. holing. The context of the mangupa tradition is adjusted to the language function between the speakers, social activities, and the process of determination, so the context of the Angkola traditional mangupa ceremony is combined in the cultural, social, situation, and ideological contexts

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