The Level Of Effectiveness Of Student Books Using The Problem Based Learning Model To Improve 21st Century Skill

Yesni Oktrisma, Ratnawulan Ratnawulan


The 21st century is said to be the century of the development of science and technology in order to survive, it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources who can keep up with these developments. Improving the quality of human resources plays an important role in 21st century education. Education in the 21st century is defined by various demands for skills known as the 4Cs (collaboration, communication, creative thinking, critical thinking). The learning process refers to problems that are closely related to the concept of Physics subjects. Physics is a branch of science that discusses phenomena and phenomena that occur in the universe. Physics also examines a field of science that plays an important role in the development of science and technology. In addition, learning Physics includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Learning physics is more demanded as an active learning resource. One source of learning is student books. The student books needed are very important in an effort to achieve the objectives of learning Physics carried out by students. This type of research is research and development. This study aims to see the effectiveness of student books with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to improve 21st century skills on temperature and heat materials for students of SMAN 3 Lengayang class XI.MIPA1. Effectiveness data obtained from students in the form of essay test questions. The research subjects were students of class XI.MIPA1 with a total of 35 people. The research instrument includes essay test questions. Effectiveness data analysis technique using descriptive percentage. The average N-Gain value obtained is 66% in the medium category.


Effectiveness, Student's Book, Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model, 21st Century Skills.

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