The Development of Chemo-entrepreneurship Oriented Practicum Guided for 10th Grade in Senior High School

Yani Pinta, Latisma Dj, Ananda Putra


One way to cultivate self-reliance, active, creative and innovative in chemistry learning can be done through contextual learning oriented chemo-entrepreneurship. In general, practicum guides used have not been recorded and have not been contextual so that chemistry lab activities are not always applied in the classroom. This study aims to produce a chemo-entrepreneurship oriented practicum guided which is valid, practical and effective. This research is a development research with Plomp development model. Data collection was collected by interview method, observation, questionnaire and documentation. The data of the research were analyzed descriptively quantitative using Kappa Cohen. The result of the analysis on the validity is 0.89 with very high criterion. Practicality has been tested by teachers and students respectively are 0.75 and 0.76 with high criteria. Based on data analysis, chemo-entrepreneurship oriented practicum guided that has been developed is categorized as valid and practical to be used as learning resource of students while increasing interest of entrepreneur of 10th grade in senior high school.


Development; Practicum Guided; Chemo-entrepreneurship

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