The Role of Social Media as a Tool for the Indonesian National Police in Revealing the Perpetrators of the Crime of Theft

Nanang Tomi Sitorus, Nasrullah Hidayat


The use of social media is growing rapidly along with the times, so that social media is not only used as a venue for entertainment shows but is also used as a tool to uncover various criminal cases. With the existence of social media, the law enforcement process can be carried out quickly and completely. This study aims to determine the position of social media as a tool in proving a crime. The type used in this research is normative juridical and the nature of the research is analytical descriptive. Sources of data used in this study are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The data collection technique used is library research and the data analysis used is qualitative.


Social Media, Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Crime of Theft

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