Effect of Ficus benjamina L. Ethanol Extract on Pancreatic Cell Histology in Diabetic Mice

Muftiah Yasi Dwi Wahyuni, Warnety Munir, Djong Hon Tjong


Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels and a progressive change in the structure of Pancreatic Islet histology. Pancreatic β cell damage is one of the causes of increased glucose levels. Pancreatic cell damage can interfere with the function of the cells in the production of insulin. The production of insulin would affect the function of this hormone to regulate blood glucose levels. This study aims to determine the effects of Ficus benjamina L. Leaves ethanol extract on the histopathology of pancreatic β cells. We observed damage to the pancreatic exocrine histological structure and the number of pancreatic β cells. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the leaves of F. benjamina L. had a significant effect on reducing the level of damage to the exocrine tissue and increasing the number of pancreatic β cells. Extract dosage of 250 mg/kg body weight is the dose that gives the best effect compared to other extract doses.


Ficus benjamina L., Pancreatic Islet, β Cell

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v30.2.4010


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