Informal Cross-Border Trade (ICT) between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo: What Can Be Retained from the Statistical Evidence?

Cedrick Kalemasi Mosengo, Batamba Balembu Antoine, Lubendo Lelo Pierrot-Gomez


This study provides a statistical description of the functioning of Informal Cross-Border Trade (ICBT) which takes place between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo (RC). Based on original data collected from the economic actors involved in the CIT, the study highlights the fact thatICT between DRC and RC depends primarily on how traders are treated and the conditions they face when crossing the border. However, if the nature of the products exchanged as well as the direction of the flows are well known, the scale of the transactions, the level of organization and structuring of the merchant networks, the socio-economic impacts of cross-border trade are far from being well apprehended.


Informal Cross-Border Trade, Informal Tax, statistical evidence, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo.

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