The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Nuanced Science Literacy towards Junior High School Students’ Natural Sciences Learning Competence in Environmental Pollution and Global Warming Learning Materials

Fadila Khusna, Syamsurizal ., Azwir Anhar


Result of the observation conducted in grade VII of SMP Negeri 2 Siak Hulu showed that students’ competences in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains is still low. Therefore, one way to solve the problem is the use of problem based learning model nuanced science literacy in learning process. Purpose of the research was to know the effect of problem based learning model nuanced science literacy towards students’ competencies. This research was a quasi experimental research. Population of the research was students of grade VII of SMP Negeri 2 Siak Hulu year 2017/2018.  Samples were taken by using random sampling technique. As a result, the samples were students from class VII4 as experimental class, which was treated by using problem based learning model nuanced science literacy and class VII3 as control class, which was treated by using conventional learning model nuanced science literacy. Instruments used were tests for cognitive competence and observation sheets for affective and psychomotor competences. Data analysis used in the research was T-test for cognitive competence and Mann Whitney U test for affective and psychomotor competences. Result of the research showed that the scores of students’ competences in experimental class is better than the scores of students’ competences in control class in learning natural science (IPA).


Problem Based Learning, Science Literacy, Learning Competences

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