The Role of Interpersonal Communication Between Teachers and Students to Improve the Success of the Learning Process

Irfan Ananda Ismail, Agnes Febriyanti


Education in Indonesia is still not achieving the desired goals. That's why teachers must take strategic steps in this regard. One of them is to emphasize communication with students, especially interpersonal communication. This journal seeks to analyze the role of interpersonal communication in the teaching and learning process using a qualitative methodology. The result is that there are several aspects that must be considered by the teacher to achieve the goals of interpersonal communication, namely including communicators, messages, noise, feedback, context and channels. One way that can be done to build good interpersonal communication is by applying problem based learning. The benefits of establishing good interpersonal communication are building and maintaining good relationships between students and teachers, helping to convey knowledge or information, changing attitudes and behavior, helping solve problems, and improving self-image


Learning process, Interpersonal Communication, Problem Based Learning,Student Mental.

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