The Effects of Discovery Learning Model Nuanced Science Literacy Towards Students’ Competence in Learning Natural Science
Results of the observation conducted on VII grade students of SMPN 1 Kampar Timur showed that they have lack of interest in learning process, lack of cooperating in discussion, and lack of tolerance towards others. Furthermore, most of them do not pay attention to teachers’ explanation and their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competences are still low. Therefore, one way to solve the problems above is by using discovery learning model nuanced science literacy. The purpose of the research was to know the effects of discovery learning model nuanced science literacy towards students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competences.
The research was a quasi experimental research. The population of the research was VII grade students of SMPN 1 Kampar Timur year 2017/2018. Samples were obtained by using random sampling technique. As a result, class VII 3 was experimental class which was treated by using discovery learning model nuanced science literacy and VII 1 was control class which was treated by using direct instruction model nuanced science literacy. Instruments of the research were objective test and observation sheets. The techniques of data analysis used were T-test and Mann Whithney U Test.
Based on data analysis and discussion, it was concluded that students’ learning outcomes by using discovery learning model nuanced science literacy were different from students’ learning outcomes by using direct instruction model nuanced science literacy. The result showed that the average score of cognitive competence in experimental class was 84.50. Meanwhile, the average score of cognitive competence in control class was 72.86. Beside that, affective and psychomotor competences in experimental class were in “very good” category; whereas, affective and psychomotor competences in control class were in “good” category.
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