Influencing Factors the Interdependence of Cocoa Farmers in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Cocoa is the leading commodity of the plantation in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Cocoa diseases infestation and low access of farmers to capital and limited partnership between entrepreneurs or industries with farmers make farming less developed. The development of cocoa commodities seems to involve improving the competence, capacity, and interdependence of farmers. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the interdependence of cocoa farmers in Central Sulawesi Province. The study used survey design, location were Donggala Regency of North Region, Sigi Regency of West Region, Poso Regency of Central Region and North Morowali Regency of Southeast Region. The sample was taken through proportionally cluster random sampling of 380 respondent. Sampel data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Research results show that farmers' competence in weak, due to the weak role of extension workers, lack of innovation availability and low formal education of farmers. The capacity of farmers is weak in organizing and in adapting to the environment due to the low competence of farmers. Low farmer interdependence due to the low capacity of farmers and low interdependence of farmers leads to low production and income.
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[BPS] Badan Pusat Statistik Sulawesi Tengah dalam Angka. Sulawesi Tengah Tahun 2017
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