An Integrated System Using Open source Nethserver OS; A Case Study of Kessben University College Local Area Network

Siddique Abubakr Muntaka, Mohammed Nadhir Muntaka, Franco Osei-Wusu, Nixon Adu-Boahen


An integrated system refers to a collection of software’s on a computer system that provides services to users on a network like a Local area network. These services are used by an organization in their day to day operations. The services include Email, Web service, File sharing, DHCP, DNS, Secure shell, and several others. This research seeks to implement a suite of these applications on a single computer architecture using Kessben University College local area network as a case study. Small and large organizations can benefit from such integrated systems because of reduced operating costs and the provision of an increase in business agility. This paper also proposes and explores additional services like remote network control software using open source Guacamole which is based on HTML5 technology. The advantages of integrated systems go beyond cost. Systems and network administrators will have a single point of system to control and monitor other systems for quality of service. This design ensures an improved network access to the services by implementing strong firewall designed to control inbound and outbound.


Computers Network and Network Services, Firewall, NethServer Operating System.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Siddique Abubakr Muntaka, Mohammed Nadhir Muntaka, Franco Osei-Wusu, Nixon Adu-Boahen

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