In accordance with the mandate of the Water Resources Law, after the Water Resources Management Pattern in the River Basin is completed, the next step is to draw up a Water Resources Management Plan whose preparation must be in accordance with the Water Resources Management Pattern in the River Basin. The Water Resources Management Plan is the result of a comprehensive and integrated planning that is needed to carry out water resource management and serves as a guide and direction in the implementation of water resource conservation, utilization of water resources, and control of the destructive power of water in river areas.As described above, one of the contents in the design of the water resources management pattern is the alternative choice of water resources management strategies for each scenario. The water resources management strategy is a series of efforts or water resources management activities to achieve the objectives of water resource management in accordance with the scenario of the condition of the river area. According to PP 42 of 2008, it is stated that the Water Resources Management Plan is prepared based on a Water Resources management strategy that is selected from the alternative strategies contained in the Water Resources Management Pattern by the Water Resources Management Coordination Center in the relevant River Basin. The purpose of this research is to formulate a Water Resources Management Plan for the Musi Sugihan Banyuasin Lemau River Basin (MSBL) set by the Minister of Public Works which is a comprehensive and integrated plan between related sectors in water resource management and is used as a guideline and basis/foundation preparation of programs and activity plans for each related sector in the implementation of water resources management. The results are a discussion of strategic issues in the management of MSBL along with mapping the area of the PSDA pattern starting from conservation of natural resources, utilization of natural resources, prevention of water damage, availability of data and information, economic conditions along with maps of flood areas, water absorption and maps of water demand in MSBL.
water resources management ; MSBL; river basin
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